significant positive changes in their lives following a bankruptcy case.
Filing for bankruptcy can be a humbling experience, but it’s also an opportunity to start fresh and make positive changes in your financial habits.
Chicago Bankruptcy Lawyer
significant positive changes in their lives following a bankruptcy case.
Filing for bankruptcy can be a humbling experience, but it’s also an opportunity to start fresh and make positive changes in your financial habits.
If your drivers license is suspended for non-payment of an accident claim, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can get your drivers license back. Once you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy (or even a chapter 13 bankruptcy) you can reinstate your drivers license. In most cases, you would need to show the DMV or Secretary of State the bankruptcy filing, along with the schedule listing the underlying debt for which the license was suspended listed on your bankruptcy creditor list. ...
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Can you pay off a Chapter 13 bankruptcy early?
As with most things, the answer is sometimes. If you are a below median income debtor, you can pay off the bankruptcy at any point. If you are an above median debtor, then it gets difficult. If you are paying 100% of your unsecured debts back, yes, you can pay the balance off at any time. If your plan is paying less than 100% to your unsecured creditors...
I get calls periodically from people who had filed for bankruptcy and got their discharge. They are trying to refinance or sell, and a title search pulls up an old judgment lien recorded against their home. The clients are confused, since that debt was listed on their bankruptcy petition. What gives?
Creditors can record a judgment lien against assets owned by the debtor. This is called perfecting their lien. The lien will stay on the property...
Is Bankruptcy right for the Chicago Public Schools? Governor Rauner thinks it could, despite what the experts and history say.Gov. Rauner: Bankruptcy for CPS Might Be ‘Best Option’: Gov. Bruce Rauner renews talk of possible bankruptcy for Chicago Public Schools. How would it work? That and more in a rare one-on-one interview with the governor.
Goes against common thought, but it is a well reasoned article. The The key here is that study is looking forward at future lifestyle, not the present tough situation. A better job will benefit the individual more in the long run, so it's ok to run up a bit of debt in the short term...
Study: 35 percent in US facing debt collectors: Associated PressI can help. Why be part of this group, when a quick chapter 7 or a chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan will help?Call me today and don't be a, IL