I am often asked ‘How long will bankruptcy stay on my credit report?‘
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, bankruptcy filing can remain on your credit report for up to 10 years. However, most debtors are able to get new credit shortly after receiving their bankruptcy discharge.
Equifax www.transunion.com
Experian www.experian.com
The credit bureaus will either zero out discharged debt, or list that the debt was discharged under bankruptcy.
There are many car companies, loan companies, and credit card companies that offer my clients credit just months, or even weeks after thier bankruptcies!
Many clients get home loans within a year or so of filing bankruptcy. Of course, you have to qualify with the loan company, but the bankruptcy trumps much of the bad credit that has been affecting you earlier.
Check out my site at http://www.leederslaw.com and you can see a listing of some lenders who are helping my clients get a fresh start.
I have mortgage broker contacts that are willing to help you find the right home loan to fit your needs. I also work with Real Estate brokers and agents who are encouraging me to send all of my clients to that are looking to buy a home and complete the ‘fresh start.’
Best of luck
Terry Leeders
Leeders & Associates, Ltd.
member of http://www.chicagobankruptcynetwork.com